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"More open alternatives to Wikipedia. There is room to do to Wikipedia what Wikipedia did to Britannica." - Paul Graham

πŸ“… Joined in 2020

πŸ”Ό 9 Karma

✍️ 25 posts

15 latest posts



(Replying to PARENT post)

it is y combinator

(Replying to PARENT post)

Congratulations with launch!

(Replying to PARENT post)

Case No.1: How Gesture Recognition prevents stealing

Case No.2: How Gesture Recognition prevents armed uprising

Case No.3: How Gesture Recognition prevents in-transit theft

Case No.4: How Gesture Recognition prevents misuse of hazardous equipment

Case No.5: How Gesture Recognition prevents non-compliance with safety regulations at a power plant

Case No.6: How Gesture Recognition prevents major breakdowns

Case No.7: How Gesture Recognition prevents fatal accidents in heavy industries

Case No.8: How Gesture Recognition reduces downtime on the railroad

Case No.9: How Gesture Recognition helps with post-stroke rehabilitation

Case N.10: How Gesture Recognition facilitates the education process


(Replying to PARENT post)

sets of problems:

idea - same

cofounders - same

fundrising - same

launch fast - same

make something people want - same

do things that don't Scale - same

talk to users - same

moving to valley - same


(Replying to PARENT post)

I've seen a shift from complete uncertainty to certainty, because in 8 years, YC startups have achieved notable success

In the beginning there were a lot of outside speakers, then they started inviting more of their own graduates

It was interesting to note that many of the speakers said that a couple of years ago they were sitting in the audience and looking enviously at the stage


(Replying to PARENT post)

too abstract ;) can you ask more concrete, plz?
AMA: I watched 100 YC Startup School lectures (from 2008 to 2016)

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(Replying to PARENT post)

What's your favorite story from startup founders?